Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Tree Inconsistencies Presentation

I am giving a talk about finding and fixing Tree Inconsistencies on 21 December 2023 to the Family Tree Plus Gadgets Club meeting.

You need to be a member of Family Tree Plus, either on a 7-day free trial, a one-month pass or a full member, which gets you access to all of their benefits in addition to the magazine subscription.

I will go through the use of the MyHeritage Consistency Checker, which I explored on a blog post on 31 October 2023 as well as describe how inconsistencies and mistakes can be identified and fixed using several programs many of us use in keeping our own trees organized. In the mix are short discussions about identifying problems in the Family Tree Maker, RootsMagic and Legacy genealogy programs.

We all know the problems that can arise when assembling family trees, especially those in the public realm. Often, they revolve around the addition of the wrong people which results in errors in whole family lines. Other mistakes include confusing people with the same or similar name.

What I will look at in the presentation are the honest mistakes we might make in recording data, how we can recognize them and what we can do to correct them.

These we can put down as Tree Inconsistencies.

Tune in if you have an interest in keeping your family tree at least mostly error-free.