Tuesday, 1 January 2019

My New Blog – Mother Nature’s Tests

Happy New Year!

I have set up a new blogsite titled, Mother Nature’s Tests.

The new site is meant primarily for family historians. 

Readers will find information about how people and communities were impacted in the past by natural phenomena – or Mother Nature.

I will write blog posts concerning examples of actual events from all over the world, and how families coped with them. Links will be added to websites and articles, including my own, that may assist genealogists looking for specific data about certain areas.

As I have said in the Introduction to my book, “responses to natural phenomena, and how people adapted to environmental changes are part and parcel of the construction of family histories. Physical changes to human habitats through natural causes may have been underlying factors in decisions to move – to find jobs and/or improved living conditions.”

The blog will be an extension to the book and, hopefully encourage genealogists to explore the natural world, especially with respect to the areas in which their ancestors lived and the physical events that occurred during their lifetimes.

Information about how to obtain a copy of my book is described on the new blogsite.

Mother Nature's Tests blogsite can be found at https://mothernaturestests.blogspot.com/