have learned a great deal about their ancestors by being able to find, read and
transcribe old documents, in particular church registers with birth, marriage
and death information. Anything older than a hundred years will almost always
have been hand-written.
know there have always been problems with interpreting what some scribe
recorded centuries ago. I have found there were as many poor writers in the 18th
century as there are now and it has been sometimes very challenging to figure
out what exactly they were trying to record. Not to mention that the names of
our ancestors were often spelled differently depending on who heard them or
where they lived.
of us have been able to get a handle on what information was written because we
learned cursive writing in school – many decades ago. We continue to be able to
read and write in that style.
old styles of writing were, in many respects, much different from how we show
letters of the alphabet today. But our experience with penmanship at least has allowed
us to see the patterns of how words were constructed. Having then familiarized
ourselves with those old styles, sometimes with the assistance of the one of
the many courses available to genealogist online, we could recognize the names
of our ancestors and put together the stories around their births, marriages
and burials.
entries from the 1630 Plympton St. Mary, Devon parish register showing, among
other unions, the marriage of my 8th great-grandparents, Nicholas
Shepheard (surname spelled exactly the same way it is today) and Margerit Lee.
is being developed to read handwriting through optical character recognition.
That will be a great boon to anyone dealing with old documents but it is likely
still a long ways off before we have such a program on our own computers.
across North America are phasing out, or have completely removed courses on
cursive handwriting. Our own grandchildren have great difficulty in reading
anything that has been hand-written. What that means down the road is that
there will be fewer of us who will have the ability to read those old records. And
the latest generation may be totally unable to do it. There may come a time
when all those old letters you are keeping for posterity and as records of
family events might be totally unrecognizable.
a read of one parent’s lament about children not being taught how to write
using a pen or pencil in Karen Green’s article, published a few years ago on
the Canadian Family website, Should Students
Still Be Taught Cursive Writing? Her words still ring true.
seems like the world now revolves around technology and communication involving
the written word is increasingly being lost to brief outbursts through texting
or Twitter – not a lot of it understandable or even polite.
genealogists studying old documents for information about our ancestors, we may
be the last of our kind. So be sure to keep handy all those transcriptions you
have made for your family members in the future. They may need them.
Shepheard is a retired geologist and active genealogist. He volunteers with the
Online Parish
program in England, handling four parishes in Devon, England. He has published a number of
articles about various aspects of genealogy in several family history society
journals. Wayne has also served as an editor of two such publications. He
provides genealogical consulting services through his business, Family History Facilitated.